Friday, November 28, 2003

The Day After Roswell

If you've ever wondered what crashed into the desert near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, this book will give you some startling answers. While the first version was published in hardcover in 1997, Corso provides new evidence for the presence of alien intruders in this pocket paperback edition. Whether or not you believe his contention, the sheer weight of governmental sources and documentation presented by the former Army intelligence officer is not easily dismissed. Once you understand the historical context (in the midst of the Cold War soon after World War II, with Orson Welles having recently inspired panic in citizens with his fictional War of the Worlds radio broadcast), the military deciding to cover up a real-life alien ship becomes more credible. Corso also gives a convincing explanation of why reports were so multi-various and conflicting. Even if you believe the book is utter fiction, it's still a compelling read. --Randall Cohan

Friday, November 21, 2003

Moon Landings: Did NASA Lie? (An Orbis Enigma Book)

Moon Landings: Did NASA Lie? is a personal journey, one in which the author encourages each individual to arrive at his or her own conclusions. After spotting discrepancies in official photos of our lunar expeditions, technologist Philippe Lheureux began what seemed like an innocent study of NASA's public reports. Moon Landings is the result of his findings, a critical analysis of 225 photographs of the Apollo missions -- many from NASA's official website. It is destined to ignite strong reactions from scientists, patriots, the international media, and ultimately the reader. In a riveting in-depth investigation, Lheureux was astonished to find that his countless contacts managed to agree on only one point - that anomalies exist in the photographs NASA released to the press. Perhaps what is more astounding was why such inconsistencies were never publicly called into question - not by scientists, journalists, or even our former rival, the Russians. One by one, Moon Landings: Did NASA Lie? outlines the specific aberrations in the well-documented photographs and explains how and why the equations simply don't add up. However, the author makes a compelling point of not attaching himself to any one theory as to why. Instead, he identifies several interpretations that have been proposed as a means of arriving at the truth. Throughout the book, Lheureux stresses that it is not his goal to criticize NASA. In fact, he commends NASA for enabling the exploration of space and therefore, igniting the imagination and encouraging our right to dream. In the final analysis, though, he believes that the photographs appear enhanced and potentially altered in some way. So what if NASA's photos of the moon landings were staged? The author cannot answer that question -- and chooses not to. In fact, he maintains that it is far easier to raise questions than to find answers. This is the premise of Moon Landings.

Friday, November 14, 2003

UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup, 1941-1973

This is a thorough historical analysis of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon. Getting past the official pronouncements on the one side, and unprovable assertions on the other, this study gathers together the facts that are known, providing a concise yet comprehensive narrative. Among its contents:
- Nearly 300 documented military encounters with UFOs.
- Activities of over 50 Air Force, Navy, and Army bases relating to UFOs.
- Analyses of the Roswell controversy, the CIA-sponsored Robertson Panel,the Condon Committee Report, and more.
- Description of the fight, and failure, to end UFO secrecy.
- Thoughts on what it all means.

Friday, November 07, 2003

The Twelfth Planet : Book I of the Earth Chronicles

Zecharia Sitchen's The 12th Planet is the starting point on a quest that spans six books and 20 years worth of ancient aliens, genetic manipulation, and scrutiny of linguistic minutiae. If we trust Sitchen's translation abilities, we must be prepared for the imminent return of an alien race who created us some 300,0x00 years ago. The 12th Planet is perhaps the best written of Sitchin's Earth Chronicles series; full of example after example of ancient Sumerian passages, astronomical observations, archaeological finds, and technological coincidences supporting his theories. The price we pay for all this evidence is a bit of a dry read at times, but the ideas Sitchin proposes are more than scintillating enough to make up for the overtly scholastic tone of his text. --Brian Patterson

Saturday, November 01, 2003

The G.I. Diet : The Easy, Healthy Way to Permanent Weight Loss

Why was this a #1 bestseller in Canada in 2002? Because it is an easy-to-follow, easy-to-stick-to, truly healthy approach to eating that is based on the Glycemic Index, the original science behind The Zone Diet, but eliminates that diet's complexity and tendency to leave dieters wanting more. If you can understand a traffic light, you can understand this diet--and lose weight permanently without feeling hungry, counting calories, or jeopardizing your health. If a food is in the green column, eat it. If it's in the red column, avoid it. And if it's in the yellow column, proceed with caution. Take bread, for example. White bread, with its high G.I. number, is red-because it's so highly processed the body digests it quickly, resulting in a spike in blood sugar, a release of insulin, potential storage as fat, and a quick return of the hungry feeling. Low-G.I. 100% stone-ground whole-wheat bread is green-the body takes a while to digest it, with no spike in blood sugar and a much longer feeling of satiety. Green, yellow, red: It's all here, with a full explanation of how the diet works, plus ratings for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, eating out or eating in. Includes some recipes, snack ideas, a shopping list, and tips on dining out.

9.11.01: Terrorists Attack the U.S.

Customer Review

Does not talk down to young readers

9.11.01: Terrorists Attack The U.S. by Patrick Lalley is a straightforward explanation of the devastating surprising attack of September 11, 2001, that is specifically written, designed, illustrated, and intended for young readers ranging from grade school through high school. 9.11.01 does not talk down to young readers; rather it cogently presents the facts about the attack, the people who perpetrated it, their motivations for carrying it out, the surprising, unintended consequences in a simple, direct manner, enhanced with color photographs, a brief glossary, and suggested references for more reading. Highly recommended for both school and community library collections.